Group Services

Group Therapy Services in San Diego

Support and Educational Groups

Group services are an integral and important part of our clinical program.  The groups serve both adult voluntary and mandated clients.   Mandated services include clients who are court ordered or referred through probation. 

Education and support are provided on topics such as anxiety, anger management, and parenting. Domestic violence groups are offered for both survivors and offenders.

Anger Management groups work with individuals who have impulse control issues.  Through the group process they learn to develop stronger coping skills and effective ways to deal with and diffuse their anger.  In addition to developing more effective communication skills.  Clients learn to put these skills to work in their everyday lives.  A woman attending anger management who suffered from depression and anxiety utilized her newly learned communication skills during a court hearing on child custody.  She was able to stay calm in the presence of her ex-husband who had been abusive and communicate her needs and wants effectively.  This brought about a positive outcome for her which reinforced everything she had learned in group.

Parenting groups are co-educational groups.  As with our other groups some individuals are volunteer and some are court mandated.  Parenting groups run from 6 to 52 weeks depending on the need of the client.  The group process is extremely beneficial as parents can share their experience and information while learning effective ways to parent their children at their current developmental stage and level.  The curriculum is adapted to the needs of the group and covers a wide range of topics.



Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Offered out of our Fallbrook office and funded by the Fallbrook Regional Health District, we offer a program dedicated to the unique needs of grandparents raising their grandchildren. In addition to support groups and educational workshops, we offer information and referral, case management, and family counseling support.