Prevention and Early Intervension
Prevention and Early Intervention
Making it possible for every child to succeed.
Incredible Years®
Through Prevention and Early Intervention funding from the County of San Diego, the evidence-based Incredible Years® model is utilized as a prevention and early intervention strategy for children preschool to third grade. Dinosaur School, featuring life-size puppets, is used to engage children, assist in preventing and treating behavior problems, and strengthen social, emotional, and academic skills.
A complimentary 12-week Parent Training focuses on strengthening parent-child interactions and attachment, reducing harsh discipline, and fostering parents’ ability to promote social-emotional development.
Community Outreach
Using parent-peer partners based on a Promotora model, Community Outreach Specialists connect parents of at-risk children to access services needed for family well-being.
Dina Camp
During the summer months, Dina Camp provides parent workshops and children’s groups at the same time. Parents learn to recognize the actions and efforts that they can take to promote successful outcomes for their children.
For more information contact Ashley White LMFT.