Children and Youth Services
Children and Youth Counseling Services
No Child Should Have to Suffer Alone
Children with Social & Emotional Difficulties (CSED)
Under contract with the County of San Diego, this comprehensive behavioral health and family support service is offered to children, ages 0 to 5, and their families. The program offers children counseling to address challenging behaviors and improve school readiness, coaching and support to improve parent-child relationships, and a full continuum of services to ensure family stability.
Clients must be Medi-Cal beneficiaries or uninsured.
The County of San Diego issued a notice of significant changes to the Beneficiary Handbook. The notification (March 6, 2025) and Summary of Changes can be found here:
2025-03-06- BHS Information Notice-Beneficiary Handbook Changes
You can also can access the notification and Summary of Changes here: – click on the Beneficiary & Families page
For more information regarding our children with social and emotional difficulty counseling services, contact Analia Chapero, LMFT
Full Service Partnership
Under contract with the County of San Diego, this service is offered to children, teens, & young adults whose behavioral health challenges are significantly impacting their daily functioning. These youth counseling services are more intensive and require a higher level of family engagement.
Clients must be Medi-Cal beneficiaries or uninsured.
The County of San Diego issued a notice of significant changes to the Beneficiary Handbook. The notification (March 6, 2025) and Summary of Changes can be found here:
2025-03-06- BHS Information Notice-Beneficiary Handbook Changes
You can also access the notificaiton and Summary of Changes here: click on the Beneficiary & Families page.
For more information regarding our full-service youth counseling services, contact: Jody Erickson, Program Director
Open Payments Data Base Notification to Clients
For informational purposes only, a link to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Open Payments web page is provided here. The federal Physician Payments Sunshine Act requires that detailed information about payment and other payments of value worth over ten dollars ($10) from manufacturers of drugs, medical devices, and biologics to physicians and teaching hospitals be made available to the public.
It can be found at
School Based Counseling Services
In partnership with local school districts, this program serves students who are struggling socially, emotionally, and/or behaviorally.
Services tend to be short-term (8 – 10 sessions) and are offered individually or in small groups. Coordination and consultation with parents, teachers, and school staff occur as needed to best support students.
In the Fallbrook area, counseling services are offered as a part of the Mental Health Matters program funded by the Fallbrook Regional Health District.
For more information regarding our student counseling services, contact:
Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS)
Palomar Family Counseling Service is certified by the California Department of Education as a Nonpublic Agency in the North Inland area to provide Educationally Related Mental Health Services to students receiving special education services. When added to a student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP), the student may receive counseling to help academic performance by improving emotional well-being, school engagement, and attendance.
Designated Instructional Services (DIS)
DIS are youth counseling services that an IEP Team determines are necessary for a student to benefit from his/her special education program. An assessment is done to identify need and to guide the type, duration, and frequency of service.
Other Counseling Services for Children & Youth
We also offer fee for service counseling for children, youth and families. Visit our counseling page for more information.