Sometimes, it feels like everything is going wrong. Problems come at us one after another, leaving us barely able to breathe. The worst part? We feel completely alone—no one notices or offers help. Our partners are upset, the kids bring home their own troubles, and our homes are filled with negativity. We hesitate to turn to friends or family, fearing criticism or disappointment, or simply, we just can’t. We find ourselves disconnected from those around us and even from ourselves. We want to make things right, but we’re unsure where to start.

Often, deeper struggles emerge in the stories clients tell themselves. I guide them through these past narratives with acceptance and closure, helping them shape a future that aligns more closely with their desires. I believe that an individual’s mental wellness is the foundation of healthy friendships and couple relationships, which in turn, fosters a healthy family dynamic.

I am also a certified child-centered play therapist. I use a client-centered approach rooted in attachment theory to help children aged 5 to 12 express themselves in a safe, supportive environment. Play, being a child’s natural language, engages multiple senses and allows them to explore their emotions and practice building relationships. Play therapy provides a developmentally appropriate way for children to communicate, connect, and experience a miniature version of the real world, especially when they’re not yet ready for the abstract thinking required in talk therapy. I also offer support to caregivers, recognizing how their own childhood experiences can influence their parenting, and I’m here to support them every step of the way.

I was born and raised in Japan and moved to the United States as a college student. With a deep understanding of the challenges faced by immigrants and international students, I am committed to providing culturally sensitive mental health support tailored to their unique experiences.

I am proud to be part of a compassionate team of therapists with extensive experience across various specialties. I’ve had the privilege of training under one of the nation’s leading play therapists, which has deepened my commitment to continually seeking and developing innovative approaches to enhance clients’ mental wellness. My goal is to empower individuals, couples, families, and children to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.


私は、マリッジファミリーセラピストとして、個人、カップル、家族を対象にカウンセリングを行なっております。ソリューションフォーカストセラピー、ナレティブセラピー、そしてゴットマンメソッドを取り入れた療法で、皆様が抱えている問題を理解し、思考や感情を整理し、目標を設定し、タスクを簡素化し、転んでも再び立ち上がるための回復力を身につけるお手伝いをいたします。また、皆様が自分に語りかける言葉の中に、より深い問題が浮かび上がることがよくあります。過去の自分を受け入れ、心の整理をする事で、皆様が望む未来の自分の精神状態により近くなれるよう、応援致します。 私は、個人の健全な精神状態が、健全な友人関係や交際、夫婦関係の基盤であり、それが健全な家族関係を育むと信じています。




日本語でご相談いただけます。[email protected]まで、お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Sachiko Yamauchi Zhang, AMFT #137281

Supervised by Patti Christensen, LCSW #24129


To make an appointment, please contact 760-741-2660 or email [email protected].  Services provided on a sliding scale.