by dd-palomar | Aug 3, 2022 | Uncategorized
We are honored to receive a Certificate of Recogniton from the California Legistalure Assembly and Assemblymember Marie Waldron of the 75th District. Assemblymember Waldron is known as a strong advocate for patient access to health care, opioid/substance use and...
by dd-palomar | Aug 2, 2022 | Mental Wellness
Summer heat can be more than uncomfortable; it can threaten your health, especially for older adults and children. Hot and humid weather can make it more challenging for your body to cool down, leading to heat-related illnesses. Three types of such illnesses include...
by dd-palomar | Jul 24, 2022 | News and Events
In early June, a cohort of parents with children attending Mission Elementary School in Oceanside received their certificates in Incredible Parenting after completing the Incredible Years Parenting Program®. The ceremony, held at the school, was attended by their...
by dd-palomar | Jul 22, 2022 | News and Events
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health challenges were the leading cause of disability and poor life outcomes in young people, with up to 1 in 5 children ages 3 to 17 in the U.S. having a mental, emotional, developmental, or behavioral disorder. The stringent...
by dd-palomar | Jul 17, 2022 | News and Events
People experiencing a mental health crisis have a new way to reach out for help in the U.S. Starting Saturday, they can simply call or text the numbers 9-8-8. Modeled after 911, the new three-digit 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is designed to be a memorable and...